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Radio Update

Writer's picture: Scott AlbrightScott Albright

By Scott Albright

I parked by the ocean. I had to shut out the noise. Thank You Father! For You made this. It's vast water, so immense and so deep, yet I can only see a tiny sliver. I can hear the roar of the waves. I can hear birds sing. I can see flowers in blossom. I can feel the gentle breeze as it blows on my face. I can smell the saltwater air. What a wonder is creation! What a wonder YOU are!

You created me in Your image! I am fearfully and wonderfully made! You know my thoughts and even my intentions. You have given me faith. You have given me everything. There is no lack in You. A billion million dollars couldn't buy the peace You give freely! What a blessing. What an honor to be called Your child! What an amazing priviledge to be alive on the earth in this day and on this day.

Thank You, that You are merciful and kind and generous and loving. You do not give us what we deserve. You give us what is good for us. You give us what we don't deserve. I fully receive Your blessing in Jesus. You came here to earth as a mystery. Fully God, yet fully human. You walked the path with feet like ours. You have emotions like us. And you love us. You love us so much that You took our punishment upon Yourself. You died a terrible death for us. BUT, You rose again! Up from the grave. Death couldn't hold you! And You are alive! Forever! You will never end. You will always be. And because of You, and what You have done, we will be with You forever! What a wonderful gift You give! You are a wonderful, marvelous God.

And I ask now, with this earthly gift of radio and magazine, that You alone will be exalted. You are high, and lifted up! We raise this banner so that all can see, that JESUS IS SALVATION!. Just as I now see a sliver of the ocean, and hear the gentle whisper of its roar, I understand it is You behind and beyond it. You are indescribable! We lift up our sliver of radio frequency and internet stream and print, so that those who are yours will hear and see and comprehend Your love. We all are but dust. But these mortal bodies will one day change to be like You! We WILL see you face to face! We are with You, at Your good pleasure. Forever.


United Pursuit

Though the seasons change, and the songs we sing

We still lift our praises, to our loving God and King

Though the seasons change, Your love remains.

LORD You've been faithful, to plant the seeds

And You will be faithful, to always send Your rain

You are faithful...


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