Scott and Kelli Albright met in Newport, and married in 1981 and have both been actively involved in business and community. The Albrights are members of the Sacred Ground Baptist Church in Siletz, Oregon.

​We have started small, and daily look to the Lord to cause us to grow, if HE desires!
March 1997
A prophetic word was spoken over the Albrights by Evangelist Dick Mills that God was getting ready to perform "miraculous results" with "unlimited funding" through which there would be "power released to transform lives." He said that we had been waiting on a God-given dream for over 11 years. We believe this prophetic word is in reference to Winds of Praise Broadcasting!
​"I want this man to stand up, I've got a great word! Yeah, right here, yeah, I want your wife to stand up with you too...OK...don't...eliminate the little girl, keep her included there. Hab 2:3...you've been motivated for over 11 years with a dream, a God-given dream, that in your lifetime, God was going to do a phenomenal, supernatural, happening that would release unlimited funds, and would release power to transform lives. And that you'd be right in the middle of a scene, in which the funding would never be a problem, and, the miraculous results will be there. And Hab. 2:3 says, you're getting ready to turn the corner on that dream...the vision is for an appointed time. Though it seemingly delay, you know, 11 years is a long time to wait for a dream to come to pass, but, don't give up on your dreams...though it seemingly delay, don't give up on it...it's going to come to pass. I've got three advisors, one is Alan Hamilton, he's retired now so I don't see him much anymore, Jack Hayford, and Roy Hicks Sr., they've advised me not to set dates...because date setting is problem-matic, for one thing there's no new testament precedent...the date setting is problematic so, I can't set a date. Now Jack Hayford told me something, Dick, if you...even though...the three of them advised me not to set dates, and I want to be accountable, I want to be responsible...he said, if you ever have a date, you owe it to the audience to say, I'm not pontificating, its not an (irracular?) audience, it's not a 'thus saith the Lord'....its something I feel...and the thing I'm feeling...I'm not setting a date...is that you guys are getting ready to turn the corner...you're ready to turn the corner. Luke 1:45, there's gonna be a promise...there's gonna be a performance of those things that were promised you by the Lord. Ezekiel 12:28...none of My promises to you shall be delayed any longer...but that word that I've given to you is coming to pass. Is.25:9, the two of you are gonna say real soon...this is it, we've waited and waited and waited...its been a long time coming, but this is it!"
October 3, 1997
Doors begin to open! Application made to the state of Oregon to incorporate as a non-profit '501-3' business, under the name "Winds of Praise Broadcasting". Application also made to receive Federal tax ID number. Peggy Cole, CPA, provides assistance and personally contributes required filing fee.
October 5, 1997
First seed money of $100 donated to establish Winds of Praise checking account.
October 6, 1997
New account opened with the Bank of Newport. In the days to follow, we had an engineer, Russ Dudley, become available to help set up the studio. We also received the assistance of Attorney Dennis Bartoldus for initial legal paperwork. We also received out first Praise and Worship CD's...the first box from Kent Henry Ministries, the second box from Vineyard Music and the third box came from Integrity Music. Winds of Praise Broadcasting is underway!
November 21, 1997
First funding goal reached.
December 17, 1997
Community press release announcing Winds of Praise!
February 1998
We are operational! And now fully available to listeners via the local Charter cable system in Newport. Please email us with questions or comments. May the Lord bless you!